Bioclear® in Swansea, IL

Do you have black triangles between your teeth?

Rejuvenate Your Smile at Corner Stone Dental

Want a smile that inspires confidence and happiness? If your dentist in the past has recommended restorative treatments to hide smile imperfections, but you don’t want to commit to enamel shaving for a restoration that will only last a few years, we have a solution for you.

At Corner Stone Dental, Dr. Lauren provides Bioclear® to patients in the Fairview Heights, Belleville, O’Fallon, and Shiloh, IL areas who are looking for a holistic approach to treating dental imperfections in a non-invasive way.

What Is Bioclear®?

Bioclear®, also known as injection overmolding, is a biocompatible dental method that uses composite resin and plastic matrices to cover one or more teeth. Unlike other dental restorations that require the removal of healthy tooth enamel, the Bioclear method keeps the integrity of the tooth structure. This allows us to structurally reinforce the tooth while giving teeth a natural aesthetic look. Treatment with Bioclear only requires removing tooth damage or infection prior to treatment and has the ability to save and strengthen teeth.

With Bioclear, our Swansea dentist can treat:

  • Dental black triangles
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Stained or discolored teeth
  • Chipped, crooked, or worn-down teeth

Benefits of Bioclear

Bioclear provides an array of benefits that other treatments can’t match, including:

  • Tooth structure preservation
  • Sturdy and durable restoration
  • Stain-resistant
  • Less tartar accumulation
  • Can be done in one visit
  • Stimulates tissue health
  • Improve health and esthetics

The Bioclear Process

During your initial appointment with Dr. Lauren, she’ll perform a thorough examination of your mouth, take impressions or X-rays of your mouth, go over your medical and dental history, and ask about your smile goals. If she determines Bioclear is the best treatment for your goals, we’ll get started right away.

Before treatment, Dr. Lauren will choose a shade that matches the rest of your teeth. From there, we’ll thoroughly clean your teeth to ensure your restoration will bond to the tooth’s surface. We’ll then place the bioclear tooth-shaped matrices around each tooth. The matrices will act as a pipe for the tooth-colored fillings to fill around each tooth.

Dr. Lauren will then shape each tooth to match the tooth structure. She’ll polish the fillings, giving the impression and feel of a smooth, glossy look. You’ll be able to leave our Swansea dental office with your brand-new smile.

Before & After Cases

after dental treatment

Frequently Asked Questions

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